Solent Gaffer, Ben Colins brings us another update on the fleet’s progress as they continue with the OGA50 Round Britain Challenge. By mid-June, 2013 most of the fleet have reached the coasts of Scotland.
In the Scottish Lochs the June weather comes with extra effects. The mountains seem somehow seem to funnel it, to make it all look more dramatic as their flanks change colour from bright green to dark grey, to deep blue and and back again within the hour. You can see rain swirling in as grey mist well before it hurls itself at your sails. Just as you have got your heavy weather gear on, the sky brightens, blue patches appear upwind and you are in your shirt sleeves looking out for the midges waiting to swarm as soon as the wind drops to zero. Such was the weather as we approached Loch Melfort, home of our hosts in Scotland. A week out of busy Belfast, the scattered RBC fleet gather in this most peaceful spot.

Views of distant islands to the west, forested hills and lush grassy slopes. Streams tumbling down to the rocky water’s edge. A loch-side garden party for Old Gaffers, boats anchored off, tenders pulled up on the foreshore, fun and games in the long grass and the sounds of Scotland from local musicians including four pipers.
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